Melissa Reed: The Smilin' Phenom

The first time you meet Melissa Reed, you may not think, "Competitor." By the second time, you will.
Always early, always smiling, always in the front row, Melissa is setting the bar for teens at Catalyst.  Her youth isn't an impediment, but makes you wonder just how far she'll go. This is her story.
Catalyst-0656_zps108b6a1aI started CrossFit after hearing about it a few times.  Last year I competed in track & field and my coach was Mr. Wilson (a CrossFitter).  He often did the workouts with us, and I was amazed by how “beast” he was.  I really enjoyed the team workouts and when track was over, I didn’t want to stop.  My mom and I were thinking about getting a membership at Goodlife.  I knew that I would miss having the groups to push me to give 110% in the workouts.  Thankfully, we decided to try CrossFit instead, and that is where my journey began! 
In August I started OnRamp.  I was really sore for the first couple weeks, but I was hooked.  I loved the sense of accomplishment when I got through the WODs and I realized that you really CAN do whatever you set your mind to!  When OnRamp was finished I was nervous to try the group classes.  That soon changed when I went to my first class and everyone was friendly and nice.  The coaches were knowledgeable, friendly, and encouraging.   Just when you’re thinking you can’t finish a WOD or do something, they are always there to cheer you on and make you finish.  “Can’t” is never an option!  It’s amazing to look back to where I started.  I could barely lift the bar, I couldn’t do pullups or double unders and I remember my struggle to get a 150lb back squat.  It is amazing how much I have improved.  CrossFit has made me better in other sports as well – I can skate faster, I am stronger and I can tell my endurance has increased a lot.  Joining Catalyst was one of the best decisions I have ever made.
Right now I am working on a lot of things… it seems almost endless.  I am working on getting bar muscle ups, ring dips, and handstand pushups and I’m trying to get better at walking on my hands and rowing.  When I can do them all well, there will be a whole new list of things to work on.  There are always things to get better at!

I will be competing in the Open this year for my first time.  I am excited to see where I place, and I know that it will only motivate me to work harder.  The Open WODs will be difficult, so my goal is to try my best, RX as many as I possibly can and gain experience so I can be better next year.  
My best CrossFit memory?  I have too many to choose from.  Although, I would say the hero WOD “Joe” was one of my favourites.  10 rounds of 10 thrusters, 10 over the bar burpees, 10 pullups and 57 double unders.  It doesn’t sound too difficult until you actually do it.  We had the option of going in partners or by ourselves for this workout.  Chris was going by himself, so I took it as a challenge as well.  By the 7th round I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to finish – I had just gotten my first pullup a month before.  Everyone cheered Chris and I on the whole time, and I managed to finish a few seconds before him (I’m sure he let me win on purpose, knowing how competitive I am).  Lying on the floor after that WOD I realized how awesome Catalyst really is.  The groups and coaches push you, and everyone is a team.  Without them, I may have just given up.