Baseline Week: "Fran"

GuillaumeEvery year, just before summer, we test your resilience.  Each of these workouts stands on its own as a tough highlight to a whole week of WODs.  Each is a highly-contested record on the Board.  If you're a CrossFitter, you may forget to buy milk, but you'll always know your Angie time.  In a world where we gauge success by performance at objective tasks, these six form a good picture of your progress.  Put together, they're daunting; your goal is just to survive, and try to PR at every single one. 

To participate, show up to as many as you can. Add your time totals together; that's your Baseline score. No special registration, but a special commitment. Try to make them all.

"Fran" is the grandmother of many of the other CrossFit standards. One of the first named workouts, "Fran" is the measuring stick against which CrossFitters are thrown to see if they'll stick. It's part of every CrossFit Level 1 Certification for aspiring Trainers; it's part of most OnRamp programs for the thousands of new CrossFitters who start their journey every day.

Here's the story of Fran, written by its inventor, Greg Glassman.


21-15-9 of:

Thrusters (95#/65#)


…for time.

That's Guillaume pressing a LOG over his head at Strongman last night! Sweet!

This has been a fun week – huge groups, lots of PRs, some friendly rivalry. Don't forget that we'll cap it off on Saturday night with a new event, and a longtime favourite.

The Catalyst Varsity Games starts at 8pm. Teams from CASS, Manitoulin Island, and our own Varsity program are already registered to compete at CrossFit style competition! Come and see the future of fitness!

At 11:30, we'll start our new Pump 'N' Run contest – bench press your bodyweight (women: 75% bodyweight) for reps before the run. Each rep (nonstop) counts for a :30 second credit toward your 5k time.

Then, at midnight, our fourth-annual Midnight 5k. A nice, flat course, where no one can see you suffer. Stick around for a little 'social' afterward. $10 goes straight to the Echo Bay PS Playground fund. Register online here.