BaseLine Week: "Grace"

30 Clean and Jerk (M - 135lbs, W – 95lbs) for time.

Mens' Record: 2:00 JD

Womens' Record: 3:01 LW – Not As Rx'd! Ladies: huge opportunity here!  Any Rx time gets on the board!

"Grace" is an anaerobic test of lactic acid buffering, horsepower (average wattage output) and mental toughness.  The trick: doing two more reps than you want to before setting the bar down.

The bar must touch the floor – both ends – and come to full extension – both ends – overhead every single rep.  Bars may be dropped from below waist-level only.  Bars dropped from above the waist are a missed rep.

This is day two of BaseLine Week!  Add your "Grace" score to your Angie score….and then start thinking about "Michael."

Yesterday, we announced a new venue for the 2010 Catayst Games (September 11, 2010): Read about it here.

These guys want to build a national bicycle path across the States, running from the Mississippi to Sault, MI!  Woo hoo!