It's time, friends, to see how you REALLY perform.
It's time to find your BASELINE.
5 days, 5 CrossFit fundamental WODs, plus a Deadlift Meet on the 6th day. We've got a party planned for all our members on Saturday the 16th also – come and make new friends, commiserate, show off your Catalyst swag…. share your suffering. Meet your Tribe. See "Every Second Counts," the CrossFit Movie.
Monday: MichaelTuesday:AngieWednesday:GraceThursday:KellyFriday: FranSaturday: Deadlift Virtualmeet (must pre-register to compete)
Saturday evening: Catalyst member/client Mixer, and viewing of "Every Second Counts" – the CrossFit Movie
No pre-registration required for the WODs (sign up online for the Virtualmeet.) What's your fitness level?