Every year, just before summer, we test your resilience. Each of these workouts stands on its own as a tough highlight to a whole week of WODs. Each is a highly-contested record on the Board. If you're a CrossFitter, you may forget to buy milk, but you'll always know your Angie time. In a world where we gauge success by performance at objective tasks, these six form a good picture of your progress. Put together, they're daunting; your goal is just to survive, and try to PR at every single one.
To participate, show up to as many as you can. Add your time totals together; that's your Baseline score. No special registration, but a special commitment. Try to make them all.
Monday: "Angie" – 100 pullups, 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 squats. For time.
Tuesday: "Michael" – Run 800m, 50 situps, 50 back extensions. 3 Rounds for time.
Wednesday: "Grace" – Clean and Jerk 135lbs. For time.
Thursday: "Fran" – 21-15-9 of Thrusters and Pullups. For time.
Friday: "Kelly" – Run 400m, 30 box jumps, 30 wall ball. For time.
Saturday – "Midnight 5k," starting at 12 midnight. Varsity Cup (teen competition) starts at 8pm!
Above, right: Glen Fisher in Peru last month, holding up a cave!