Aerobic/Zone 2 Block:
20 minutes of:
30 row calories
20 dumbbell walking lunges
30 assault bike calories
20 v-ups.
Keep moving; don’t stop; but don’t rush either.
HIIT Block:
For time:
Row 500m
21 power cleans (135/95)
Rest 4:00
Row 500m
15 power cleans (135/95)
Rest 4:00
Row 500m
9 power cleans (135/95)
This month’s challenge is the ARCH Bucket List Ride. I’m personally matching the first $10,000 of pledges made.
Sign up here and let’s raise money for ARCH in one of the most gorgeous local events of the summer!
Want to get our book, The Catalyst Method, for free? Click here to download.