IMG 2403 scaled 1

Daily Catalyst: 082224

Strength Block:
4 rounds for quality of:
20 dumbbell sumo deadlift high-pulls
20 dumbbell front squats
20 dumbbell floor presses
20 dumbbell hammer curls
You won’t be able to use the same weight for all, because your limiting lift (usually the curls) will be far too light for your strongest lift (usually the front squats).

Aerobic/Zone 2 Block:
Keep going for 20 minutes:
100 single-unders
20 russian kettlebell swings
15 dumbbell shoulder presses
Keep the movement slow, smooth and steady. You shouldn’t have to break up any of the movements, but you can take a break between movements. Keep your heart rate in Zone 2.

This month’s challenge is the ARCH Bucket List Ride. I’m personally matching the first $10,000 of pledges made.
Sign up here and let’s raise money for ARCH in one of the most gorgeous local events of the summer!