
Daily Catalyst: 092424

Strength block:
Back Squat 5-4-3-2-1
Press 5-4-3-2-1

Aerobic (Zone 2) block:
Strongman circuit
Farmer’s walk to fence and back
3 tire flips
40m sled push
5 rounds at a Zone 2 pace.

Everyone needs to be strong. The type of strength you need changes:
Sometimes you need power: the ability to move an object – including yourself – fast.
Sometimes you need strength endurance: the ability to move lighter objects a long way. Like carrying your groceries.
Sometimes you need stamina: the ability to move small loads repetitively. Like moving wood.
Sometimes you need force: the ability to move a big object out of your way.
Sometimes you need isotonic strength: the ability to resist something that wants to move you.
And sometimes, you need resilience: the inner strength to just keep going, to make it through, to bear all, to stay unbent by the world. This strength lives inside you, but is still built by the practice of lifting weights: heavy, light, slow or fast.