I’ve always been interested in what was happening at Catalyst. I’ve spent the last 6 or so years watching my wife Miranda train there. It’s always been in the back of my mind, “Can I do that?”
For anyone who really knows me, I first went to Catalyst because Miranda signed me up – I was a little anxious attending my first class because I really didn’t know what to expect. Jess made me feel comfortable, breaking everything down, step by step. After my first day I left with the impression that everyone is at a different fitness level and they make it work. That’s what impressed me the most. It didn’t matter if you could lift 10 lbs or 200 lbs, everyone was treated the same and it still holds true today.
Currently I’m in my second round of Crossfit Lite and I look forward to every session. Working out at Catalyst has helped me become healthier in every way. There’s no way I would have been able to accomplish in any other gym what I’ve done at Catalyst. I have received great coaching and everyone wants everyone else to succeed. You’ll always hear someone cheering someone else on, pushing him or her to finish. It’s a great atmosphere.
Now when I go, I try and do better than the last time out, even if it’s just one more rep. For me, the best feeling is when I leave everything out on the floor to complete the WOD under the time cap. My long term goal is to maybe compete in the Games, perhaps even run an endurance race of some sort, but for now it is fun learning all the movements, meeting great people and living a healthier lifestyle.
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