Today's Workout: 062410

Miranda Front Squat to Max
Cleans 1-1-1-1-1 with 75% of Front Squat Max
Here's Miranda's story of toughness and survival.  At 8.5months pregnant, she writes:
Sorry for the delay, its pretty hectic around here getting ready for this little future crossfitter… :p
So, here it is from the source, I'm sure Lacy gave you most of the story – I was walking back towards my office building(Elgin Tower) across Bay Street from Station Tower, wearing a BRIGHT CRIMSON sun dress – a highly visible pedestrian – of course I had waited for the advanced green for the left turn onto Bay to be completed and for the white stick man-indicator to give me the go-ahead…I checked before i started walking, made it across the first 2 lanes of Bay Street, looked up Bay towards the Bondar building and when I glanced back I noticed the front end of the Beige Chrysler about 1/2 a metre from my protruding abdomen, moving quickly towards me! I was about 6 steps away from the the curb, and my reflex was to turn my back towards the bumper and bend my knees slightly. The bumper hit my hamstrings and I was thrust backwards onto the hood, striking my left glute/hip and shooting forward to the road in front of the car. Thankfully she hit the brakes and somehow I managed to put my hands forward to break the fall and catch myself on my forearms and knees. I don't even know how i did that! My elbow, forearm and finger was bruised, cut and bleeding, right knee was bruised as well but that was it. Contractions started right away but subsided after a few hours and several glasses of water…since then my hips and pelvis on the left are pretty sore but i don't think there is any real damage(hoping this won't complicate my planned homebirth!).

So that's it! Thanks to a combination of luck and fitness, we're ok 🙂

1 thought on “Today's Workout: 062410”

  1. Wow! Miranda – glad to hear you made it out of this situation relatively unscathed. I hope that driver felt remorse and you let them know how far along you are… I am 7 months along myself so I have taken this post as a warning to be extra careful from now on (plus Chris warned me at the gym and drew this story to my attention). Thanks for the wake-up and I hope your labour goes without a hitch, at full term 🙂 Good for you, staying fit and giving your baby the best start!