Results For Category: "Daily Catalyst"
WOD 122008
Tabata push-up Run 800 meters Tabata sit-ups Run 800 meters Tabata jumping pull-ups Run 800 meters
WOD 121908
FOR TIME: 50 Box jump, 24 inch box50 Jumping pull-ups50 Kettlebell swings, 1 poodWalking Lunge, 50 steps50 Knees to elbows50 Push press,…
WOD 121808
"Crystal" 10-20-30-40-30-20-10 of: Kettlebell swings Bodyweight rows Wall Ball
WOD 121708
Run 400 meters15 L-Pull-ups15 Hip Extensions
WOD 121508
Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Strategy: find a heavy weight (challenging, but not 100%) and hit it for 3-4 singles. Then go for a…
WOD 121408
Five rounds for time of:275 pound Deadlift, 5 reps10 Burpees
WOD 121408
75 Sit UpsTabata Front Squat 65lbs (20sec ON 10sec off for 4min)75 Sit ups For time. Tyler and Chris survived the Kinross…
WOD 121308
Run 10km. Haha!
WOD 121208
Three rounds for time of:24" Box jump, 50 reps185 pound Deadlift, 21 reps30 Pull-ups
WOD 121108
"Nasty Girls" 3 rounds for time of:50 Squats7 Muscle-ups135 pound Hang power cleans, 10 reps Post time to comments. Right: Crossfit at…