Results For Category: "Daily Catalyst"

WOD 112708

“Nate“ Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of: 2 Muscle-ups4 Handstand Push-ups8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings

WOD 112608

"MR. JOSHUA" Five rounds for time of:Run 400 meters30 Glute-ham sit-ups250 pound Deadlift, 15 reps

WOD 112508

“Lynne“ Five rounds for max reps of:Body weight bench pressPull-ups Post reps for both exercises in all rounds.

WOD 112408

Kettlebell Day! 30 2-hand swings 10 Clean and Jerks / arm 10 Snatches / arm 30 'Figure 8s' 4 rounds for time

Physiology and Runners with Jen Entwhistle

Jennifer Entwhistle is a mover. To quote her: I run because I ken. <editor's translation: that's Nova Scotian for, "I run because…

WOD 112208

Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

WOD 112108

Run 5k  – or –  “Firefight” 21-15-9 of: Deadlift (225lbs, or scale) Glute-Ham Raise Wall Ball

WOD 112008

"Lucky Sevens" 7 Rounds:7 Dumbbell Thrusters (Gents use 30# and Ladies use 20#)7 Weighted Box Jumps (Hold one of the dumbbells)7 Weighted…

Catalyst Games 2009 Dates Announced!

Catalyst Games 2009:  September 26, 2009!   Schedule your sick days wisely! The absolute most common sentiment among spectators this year: regret….

WOD 111908

"Nicole" – That's right, THE Nicole. Run 400m Max Reps Pullups AMRAP in 20:00 Post total number of pullups.