Go outside.
The biggest hurdle to running for most people (other than hurdlers!) is the fear of pain. Running great exercise: do it right, and you'll love it. Do it wrong, and it can limit everything else you do
Build up slow, with good form, and you'll virtually float by July. Do it the 'other' way, and your knees will hurt; your shins will throb; your feet will cramp.
The right way is to practice; to build up distance slowly; to stop for breath. To have a coach.
Cam Wilson is one of the best. He's worked with veterans and beginners alike. Gather with your friends, and tackle 5k…one hundred metres at a time. If you can walk, you can run.
Thursday evenings at 5:30, starting April 19th. $75 plus HST, a fantastic group that makes a big difference. Register online here, or call 705-256-1344.