Stories From The Gym – June 2012

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On June 9, we'll carry the Midnight 5k Tradition forward with a huge new addition.

High school athletes from the local area, CASS, WC Eaket, and Manitoulin Island will compete for the first annual Catalyst Varsity Cup. We'll be releasing their three events next week, and including three separate age groups. Entry fee is $5 per student, and the event starts at 8pm. This will be a GREAT spectator event, too.

At 11:00pm, we'll start the Pump 'n' Run event. Adults (and teens, if the like) have the option to attempt max reps on the bench press at their bodyweight. For every rep they achieve, they get a 30-second time credit for their 5k, which begins at midnight. $10 for participants (includes 5k run.)

At 12:00 sharp, we'll run 5k through the Industrial Park. The course is lit well enough for safety, but dark enough to cover up your fatigue, making it a favourite for a ton of our clients! $10 to enter.

THE BEST PART: Every cent raised will be donated to the Echo Bay Public School Playground Building Fund. Stay up past your bedtime to benefit those who can't (but probably will, anyway)!

Online registration is here(or call 705-256-1344.) More information on the 5k and Pump'N'Run events is here.  

Teen events and rules will be posted on our Catalyst Varsity site. This is a huge party!

Athlete Profile: Crista Wardell

"I look back and and realize how far I have come – it really wasn't that long ago that I was scared to do a box jumps; running 400m seemed hard and pull-ups, well they seemed impossible!" – Read the rest of Crista's story here.
  Baseline Week

Every year, we take six days out of our schedule to measure our progress on six of the most popular CrossFit workouts. Improvement in any one is great news; improvement in your total time across all six days is HUGE.
Monday: "Angie" – 100 pullups, 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 squats. For time.Tuesday: "Michael" – Run 800m, 50 situps, 50 back extensions. 3 Rounds for time.Wednesday: "Grace" – Clean and Jerk 135lbs. For time.Thursday: "Fran" – 21-15-9 of Thrusters and Pullups. For time.Friday: "Kelly" – Run 400m, 30 box jumps, 30 wall ball. For time.Saturday – "Midnight 5k," starting at 12 midnight (see above.) Want in? No problem – just show up to any CrossFit group through the week, and get your name on the board!

Student Summer Memberships and Groups

Age 15 and Up

This year, students aged 15 and up can choose from a 3-month or 4-month gym membership. Start anytime, train all summer. Access to open gym hours (not CrossFit group times.) Atmosphere, knowledge, and the gear you need to get stronger = better than free.
Ages 10-15

Monday, Wednesday, Saturday: 11am-noon
Open Gym for Teens (ages 10+): do the workout posted on our Catalyst Varsity site or work on skills, with tips and pointers from coaches in a nonstructured class
Tuesday and Thursday at 4:30, Saturday at 10am
Catalyst Kids and Varsity Group: coached by our Crossfit Kids Coaches
Ages 8-13

Tuesday and Thursday at 4:30, Saturday at 10am

Catalyst Kids and Varsity Group: coached by our Crossfit Kids Coaches

Ages 4-7

Fridays at Noon

Rumble/Tumble – a combination of kids' games, tumbling, obstacle courses, and calisthenics. Super fun!

Want more details? Click here, or call 705-256-1344.


By September, you could be ahead of your class.

Many parents believe that our agrarian-model school year is due for an overhaul. Constant learning is not only important for kids, it's natural.

But, you say….your kids want to have fun this summer. No problem: we have the perfect combination. The Ignite program combines CrossFit workouts with academics. Kids can do math as part of their running workouts; they can get better at reading, and faster for soccer, at the same time. 

Call 705-256-1344 or email for more infomation, or visit our new site: ! 


Athlete Profile: Phil Strickler

He has several nicknames: Mule. Theo's Dad. Philsy. Doesn't matter what you call him: you know him. He was our first "Fran" recordholder, and one of the Original Eight along with Whit, Kube, and other future stars. In May, he was on our Green Army Regionals Team. Read his story HERE.


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Steel City MMA
Catalyst Varsity


The Park (our CrossFit gym)

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Big doors are open. We're running outside, in the sun and the smells of fresh-cut grass and wood that's just been sawed. We're 500m from the Hub Trail, and with our new flow-through facility, the breeze and shade brings a fresh newness to the Park. Groups have been amazing, and the Family keeps growing. Hope to see you all out at the Midnight 5k event, even as spectators for the Varsity event…and on the floor during Baseline Week. Come in for some sun!


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Catalyst Fitness Inc. | 99 Industrial Court 'B' | Sault Ste. Marie | Ontario | P6A1Z8 | Canada