Stories From The Gym – May 2012

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On May 10, 11, and 12, the Catalyst Green Army Competitive Team takes its game to the next level at CrossFit Regionals in Toronto. Ours is a Team of collective potential; of heart and guts and love. These are some of our favourite people – not just our favourite athletes – and they've gone miles and miles to get here.
Want to show your support? Follow along on Twitter (CFGCanEastReg,) or facebook. The CrossFit Games site is pledging to show EVERY HEAT of each event within 3 hours of the live performance.
How can you let them hear you? Let them see you. Change your profile picture on facebook to a bright green square, or the Catalyst Arrow, on May 10. Leave it up for the weekend. We'll know you're watching! Just tag yourself when Coop puts it up, and then hit "Make Profile Picture." Thanks. 

Starting Strength

This is Whitney. You know her already. She's a Park favourite; she's a competitive CrossFit athlete; she's a Coach; she's everyone's best friend. 

On May 17 , she'll start coaching the Starting Strength method by Mark Rippetoe. It's a fantastic way for Barbell Bettys and Billys to learn the fundamental lifts, brush up on technique, or learn a different approach to getting STRONG. Whit's been using the program for months, and she loves it. Thursday nights at 5:30. 8 weeks. Register online here, or call 705-256-1344.
In a huge week at Catalyst, we're launching BOTH Campfire Guitar AND Strongman training! 
Campfire guitar is taught by Luke Cloutier, and promises to get you playing by summer. 10 weeks for $99. Learn basic chords and songs, beginning to end! Small group size on purpose; bring a guitar! Thursdays from 7-8pm.
Strongman is one of the most awesome training groups we've ever offered. Train with logs, stones, and other strongman gear with NAS competitor Dana Skytta. Wednesdays at 7:30-9pm, homework assigned every week! 8 weeks for $99.
Register for either by clicking here, or calling 705-256-1344.

Student Summer Memberships

This year, students aged 15 and up can choose from a 3-month or 4-month gym membership. Start anytime, train all summer. Access to open gym hours (not CrossFit group times.) Atmosphere, knowledge, and the gear you need to get stronger = better than free.


Younger than 15? Call to talk about training in the Catalyst Varsity program. 705-256-1344.


We're extremely proud to launch the new site in the next two weeks.Thanks to Clay at for the makeover! Summer programs will be announced in May – check the facebook page (and the site, of course!) as often as you can!


Quick Links…

Steel City MMA
Catalyst Varsity


The Park (our CrossFit gym)

Personal Training


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It's summer at last! You'll see some familiar returning students at the Park, and some new ones too! We're (this close) to working out a way for kids to train at the gym this summer alongside their parents, or in their own CrossFit Kids daily group. 

I'm lucky, for the second year in a row, to be headed to a high-level CrossFit event. This year, I'll be running the Media Team at Regionals; we're bringing almost 10 fans down with us to volunteer or cheer. That's an 8-hour trip to support other Catalyst Family members – incredible. Thanks for your help! Coop

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Catalyst Fitness Inc. | 498 Queen Street East | Upstairs | Sault Ste. Marie | Ontario | P6A1Z8 | Canada