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From The Farm To The Park: The Jarrell Family
We were really happy to bring locally-farmed beef to Catalyst members this fall, and produce in the spring. We were ecstatic when both farmers started doing CrossFit! Here's the story of Matt and Claire, partners in COMA beef:
"I had been wanting to try CrossFit for a while and it was Robin who finally got me there one day – hooked ever since! I would come home and tell Matt how the workout was and what we did and eventually I got him to join me one Saturday morning and he liked it from the beginning!"Read the rest of the Jarrell family story here!
Getting Started
With CrossFit on TSN, and over a dozen new people starting CrossFit at Catalyst every month, our OnRamp groups get filled FAST.
We only take four people per group, and with December sold out, some are already booking into January's OnRamp class.
If the OnRamp schedule doesn't fit yours, though, or if you'd rather get private instruction…or you just want to 'jump the line' and get straight into training, book Personal Training sessions! For about the same price, you can have individual attention to maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses. Trainers are available 16 hours per day. Either way,
there's no charge to have a conversation at Catalyst. Let's talk. Set up your free goal-setting session by clicking here, or calling 705-256-1344.
The New Veteran: Kyle Armstrong
Kyle has been CrossFitting for awhile, but he's new to the Catalyst family. Pairing up with Jordan Casola, he managed to win FranFest after several hours…and still came up smiling. This is his story.
"I started CrossFit while I was in Thunder Bay this past year completing my MBA degree at Lakehead University. One of my friends had told me about this new workout that he had recently began and how he was really enjoying it, was faced with a different physical challenge each day and how he was getting into really great shape. After my first workout at Superior CrossFit in Thunder Bay I thought I would never be able to walk again. Despite this, I knew I was addicted and that this was a workout regime that I would keep up."
Read the rest of Kyle's story here.
The Ignite WorldWide Challenge is December 15! Three challenges, separate age groups…and YOUR GYM can get in on the fun!
Ignite Academy Affiliates participate for free. Any other CrossFit gym can enter the event for $10 (unlimited athletes.) Email for entry information, or follow us on facebook for more details! Ready to register? Click here.
Ignite NeuroMotive Coaches are already booking weekend Certifications into the spring!
In January, we'll be in Corona, CA at CrossFit Proper to teach the NeuroMotive Coach Certification course.
In March, we'll be at CrossFit Prototype in Westborough, MA to teach the NeuroMotive Coach Certification course.
Register for either course online here. For more information, visit the website.
Knowledge: Conjugate Periodization, by Jarret Barsanti
Periodization refers to the long-term planning of training to create an optimal ('peak') performance. The two most common types of periodization in Western culture are linear periodization and conjugate periodization. Proponents of a conjugate model argue that it produces athletes who are always ready to compete, by integrating exercises for General Physical Preparedness (GPP) and Sport Specific Preparedness (SPP) throughout the entire program. Read the rest of the article here.
December Calendar
We have a TON of opportunities for you to have fun with your Catalyst Family, learn new things, and help others in December!
December 1 – Steel City MMA fighters Mitch Fryia, Josh Deluco, and Owen Martin face down visiting fighters at Kewadin Casinos! for more information.
December 2 – our Nutrition Seminar with Mack Ludgate and farmer Martti Lemieux. Bring a lawn chair to the Park at 9am. Totally free; bring your friends! Mack will talk about Paleo eating; Martti will talk about food quality (and anything else he likes, too.) No preregistration required.
December 8 – SUPERMEET. Max snatch, clean and jerk, weighted pullup, press, back squat and deadlift for a total! 2 hour cap, start between 9am and 1pm (last lift at 2:59pm.)
December 8 – The Gift Family Potluck. Kath Fryia has done a phenomenal job, finding 70+ kids some "adoptive parents" in the Catalyst Family for Christmas. Like last year, our members have purchased presents for kids who would otherwise go without. Want to get involved? Here's the facebook group. Didn't get a chance to sign up? Come to the Potluck anyway!
December 15 – Ignite Worldwide Challenge! Free entry at Catalyst. Visit for details.
December 15 – Steel City MMA Jiu-Jitsu Tournament. for information.
Quick Links…
Steel City MMA
Catalyst Varsity
The Park (our CrossFit gym)
Personal Training
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FranFest was a riot – from what I've heard. Down with the flu, FranFest was the first tournament that I've missed since we started hosting events five years ago. Great to know that Charity, Jarret and their 'special helpers' can step up and take charge. Thanks, guys!
We were named one of the Top 10 Gyms in North America by SweatRx magazine this week, but what REALLY makes me proud is the 70ish kids that we're helping at Christmas. If I seem misty at the Potluck, I'm just allergic to dust or something. OK? Thanks for all you do.
– Chris
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Catalyst Fitness Inc. | 99 Industrial Court 'B' | Sault Ste. Marie | Ontario | P6A1Z8 | Canada