Today's Workout: 020612


Part 1) 8 minute AMRAP of:

8 Push Jerks 135/95#
8 Ring Dips
16 KB Snatches (8L/8R) @ 24/16kg

Followed IMMEDIATELY by:

Part 2) 2 minute AMRAP of:


Notes: KB Snatches must be performed 8 reps on one arm, then 8 reps on they other. They may not be apportioned any other way. The finish position for the KB Snatch is with the bell completely locked out over the shoulder.

For total reps of Part 1 plus 1 rep for every 5 Double-Unders of Part 2 (any reps shy of 5 do not count – 98 reps = 19).

Thanks to Outlaw CrossFit for today's workout!

OnRamp starts tomorrow at 6:30am (or Wednesday evening, too!) Get signed up! 705-256-1344.