Clean, 1 rep
Bench press, 1 rep
Overhead squat, 1 rep
Clean is from the ground, power or squat.
Tomorrow is the start of the CrossFit Open 2012. You can register here to compare your scores against others worldwide (you'll never have to meet them all, don't worry!) We'll be posting the CrossFit Events for everyone to try on Thursdays, after they're released Wednesday nights, for the next five weeks. You don't have to register in the Open to do the workouts, if you don't want to – just show up for group, as normal.
The Green Army (our Catalyst Family Competitive Team) will be hitting the events at 5:30 Thursday nights, and noon on Sundays. Some of us (Coop et al) will be doing them Thursdays at noon with the group. EVERYONE can do these. Competitiveness, as always, is not required. See what all the Reebok hype is about!
Still not sure? Try reading, "Me, Compete?!" by CrossFit West.
43,000 people – over 40,000 of them JUST LIKE YOU – have signed up as of this morning!