Today's Workout: 022412



For time:
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards

Unbelievable night last night! Over 40 people took up the challenge, some driving 2 hours to get here! Top burpees went to Jake Desjardins (117) and then Ty (112) and Andrew (111.) Cam was in there close. Whit slammed 103, and SallyMoore (TM) was in with a score in the mid-90s. Wow.

Today's workout has tremendous value for strengthening hip flexors without overstressing knee extension. You'll feel it in your quads, but not at the knee. As yesterday's workout showed, hip flexor fatigue is a major weakness in our culture!

This is Simon, from Vancouver. He's not just good-looking, but CrossFit Games 2030 Champ!
