Workout 14.4
Complete as many rounds and repetitions as possible in 14 minutes of:
60-calorie row
50 toes-to-bars
40 wall-ball shots, 20 lb. to 10-foot target
30 cleans, 135 lb.
20 muscle-ups
This will be the most fun workout of the Open yet. Worried about your Toes-To-Bar? This is the best opportunity you’ve ever had to get them. And if you don’t? Candlesticks, then on to the wall balls. Of the three folks who did the workout last night, two wanted to continue after the clock ended. That means it’s FUN. While we can’t let everyone finish because of time constraints, don’t be scared to scale down in the middle and move on. We’re going to see a few first-ever TTB today (woohoo!) but we’re going to see even MORE smiles.
Yesterday’s poll: what will 14.4 be? Today’s poll: what will people online find to complain about?
Josh Bridges’ rowing technique-too flawless
Dave Castro in general
How bad wall balls are for your chin
“My garage doesn’t have a rower!”
Muscle-Ups make women bulky
Words on the score sheet are too small for Masters to read
Obvious bias: the fittest person will get the highest score
We’re causing a worldwide chalk shortage
Can’t bicycle-kick the toes-to-bar
Not enough drama for attention-seekers
Got lost in Panchik’s eyes, didn’t see the demo
…..add your own to our facebook page!
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