Today's Workout: 040811

Ted fryia 

21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips

This guy on the right is Ted Fryia. Going into last night's Open Event #3, he was sitting in second place in the world for Masters 55-59. He needed 22 reps (at 135lbs) to tie for first place overall; 24 reps would get him the highest score in that event.  He got 28. Though his score isn't yet showing on the Leaderboard, it will be by tonight (just keep hitting Refresh….)

Looking on in the blue jacket: Kath Fryia. With a score of 20.5 reps, she smiled her way onto the Leaderboard in her own category, quietly. In fact, after the event, Teddy spent the next half hour bragging her up.

This morning, a great email from CrossFit Wanganui, new Zealand (motto: "If CrossFit was easy, it would be ya mum") They'd like to use our FranFest event as a fundraiser.  Awesome!