Today's Workout: 042713

Murph042013-6103_zpse823972bIn teams of two, partners alternate exercises. "Klepto"

4 rounds for time of:
27 Box jumps, 24" box
20 Burpees
11 Squat cleans, 145 pounds

In the first round, partner #1 would do the box jumps and squat cleans; partner #2 would do the burpees, and then start the box jumps in the second round.

As many rounds as possible in 22:00.

HUGE news today:

First, welcome to the world Jack Hunter Watson, son of Mike and Eden!

Second, congratulations to Coach Ty and Mrs. Coach Dawn Belanger – they're getting married! 

Third, congratulations to Hayley Oikari (Ignite NMC, Spark RSW, Catalyst member and Coop's niece) who's getting married to Brandon Campbell today. 

Fourth, Charity's graduating from LSSU with a degree in Exercise Science today! Her adventure is just beginning!

Lots of joy out there. Soak it up!