Today's Workout: 043011

Sarah "Jackie"

1000 meter row
45 pound Thruster, 50 reps
30 pull-ups

It's a gorgeous day. We'll be offering the 'run' option instead of the row at 9am. Get ready to move nonstop!

Life after the CrossFit Open begins again Monday. For some, that's a sigh of relief; for others, it's time to think about Regionals…or the Catalyst Games, or the 2010 Open….

To that end, we're changing the way our Barbell Bettys and Fraternity Barbell programs work (but not much.)

Level I Bettys / Frat- Learn the fundamentals of the strong lifts. Get REAL strength, not the pink-dumbbells-and-spandex kind. Level I Bettys starts May 9 – you can register online here.

Level II Bettys / Frat - Learn more technical skills, like the clean, the jerk, the snatch; practice toward perfect double-unders and pullups; do more challenging metabolic work.

Level III Bettys/Frat – GREEN ARMY COMPETITIVE squad. Whether you plan on competing in the CrossFit Open next year, the Catalyst Games on September 10, or just in your own life, this is the top of the heap. This is the hard stuff.

Coach Mitch will take over programming for all three, using Tyler's templates and adding his own massive competitive background experience. Time to start building!