Run 1 mile
Deadlift to Max
10 minute time cap.
Rules: though you may warm up for the deadlift before you start the clock, only 1 45bls plate may be mounted on each side of the bar when you leave for the run. Loading is the responsibility of the lifter.
Today is a day that will affect the rest of your life. Truly, it is.
Last night, Osama Bin Laden was killed in Pakistan. The reprisal will be furious, and we'll be thinking about the safety of our soldiers abroad today.
Yesterday, Mel Rose (see if you can find her glaring smile above) gained CrossFit HQ's stamp of approval – she's a Level I Certified CrossFit Coach. Way to go, Mellie! Look for her to lead a group VERY soon!
Today is also voting day. In Canada, we pay taxes at a high rate (around the 50% of total income mark, which makes us a semi-Socialist country.) While none of our candidates are suggesting that taxes be lowered, there is some debate around how those taxes should be spent, and whose ideas will help us most. You, Family, are invested heavily in the outcome. YOU are a shareholder in the Grand Idea of Canadian Democracy. There is no profit to be made from our ideas, but the maintenance and progression of our ideology depends on your input, not just your income. Voting is simple; that doesn't mean the decision is easy, or that the act is somehow not worth very much. After three elections in five years, many will decide to sit this one out; that's a mistake. Whether you arrive at a polling station or not, you're STILL voting.
Today, members of the Green Army will face another decision: do I compete at Regionals as an individual? Will I be invited to compete on the Green Army Team? If I'm invited, will I accept? There will be surprises, I'm sure, in the decisions. Tomorrow, we'll announce whether we'll have a team travelling to Regionals, and who will be on it.
Turns out Brent Fryia's fighting within the next month….it may have been news to him, too….