Then: practice handstands, ring dips, and muscle-ups.
Next week is Baseline Week! New this year: it's a SEVEN-day event!
Monday – "Angie"
Tuesday: "Michael"
Wednesday: "Grace"
Thursday: " Kelly"
Friday: "Fran"
Saturday: Deadlift-by-bodyweight Meet
Sunday: The Mountain Maple 5k/10k!
Ignite! launched two weekend-long NeuroMotive Coach Certification Courses yesterday. The first is in Sault Ste. Marie, June 11-12. If you've seen Ty or Coop lately, they may appear a bit tired…the textbook for the NeuroMotive Coach Cert has largely been written at 5am or at 11pm at night, after clients and before the Park opens. It's worth it: the text is awesome!
Below: "The Vegetarian Myth." Watch and draw your own conclusions….