Today's Workout: 060211


CrossFit Regionals Workout 4

For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Kettlebell swings (53 lb / 35 lb)
100 Double-unders
100 Overhead squats (95 lb / 65 lb)

Thanks, Kathleen McGuire for volunteering to be our in-house Twitterer! Want frequent updates from the hand of Kath? Click "follow us on Twitter" on the left!

Floreani logo blk
Thanks to Dr. Floreani and his amazing crew for donating mouthguards to kids in our Jiu-Jitsu program! We don't accept many sponsorship offers, but we're really happy to be associated with such a client-driven group of people. Our Jiu-Jitsu athletes are smiling at you guys today!