Mitch holds the reins again today! Today's CrossFit Football WOD:
Complete 6 rounds:
5 Hang Power Cleans @ 75% of body weight
1 Twenty Yard Short Shuttle Runs
*Rest 45 seconds between rounds
Post loads to comments.
*First, start in the middle of a 10 yd distance with one hand touching the ground. The athlete then pushes off their dominant leg in the opposite direction sprinting 5 yards. After covering this distance, as quickly as possible they reverse direction and go 10 yards the exact opposite way. Finally they reverse directions one last time ending the drill at the point where they started. Remember to sprint through the line. Walk back to the starting position and repeat. Remember the goal is maximal efforts on the runs so do not rush through the shuttle drills at half speed, so if you need to take a few seconds to recover between sprints that is acceptable. Max efforts is the goal.
Today is Run The Great Lakes – our local 1/2 marathon with a side of 5k and 10k races. A nice course for watching and cheering! Catalyst Family members are racing despite the rain! Head to the waterfront at 9am!
Tomorrow is the start of the Summer Frat and Summer Barbell Bettysprogram! Workouts will be posted online daily (yourvery own site!) by coach Ty. Tomorrow is test day!
Register onlineif you haven't done so already; we expect a sellout! Can't get in? Call to make sure!