Today's Workout: 060711

Skill: POSE drills – 5 x 100m

Clean 5-5-3-3-1-1

WOD: Row 1:00 (M: achieve 300m; W: 250m)

Rest 1:00

Max front squats (M:135;W:95lbs)

Rest 1:00

5 rounds for max reps of front squats. For every 5m short of 300m in each row, spend 1 second in a paused overhead squat at the end of the workout (M:95;W:65lbs.)

OnRamp got off to a great start last night.  A group of 8, with only one real 'newcomer': the rest were returnees in one form or another. Several were there to start Sarah Day on her long walk down the aisle, weeks in advance; Sarah and Bri are among that group (and also budding superstars in their own right.) They'll be at the Midnight 5k this weekend; will you?