Today's Workout: 061011

240892_1941133085417_1155142356_32031253_5876888_o Skill: Handstand Holds – wall or free


Weighted Pullups 5-5-5-5-5



75 snatch (75#) for time.

 Wednesday night, the Catalyst Family suffered a great loss. JR Thomas (owner of JR Thomas CrossFit) passed away from unknown causes. JR was the lever that pried the Ignite! Certification – and our book – into existence, and a huge motivating force from far away. He regularly posted up to 5 pieces of research or information on autism on our facebook wall, and bragged regularly about his clients' achievements, be they drafted to the NFL or simply managed to tie their own shoes. I received an email from him at 8pm that night, and responded at 5am the next morning; his wife replied with the news. Things happen quickly. Hug everyone you see today. We miss you already, JR.