Today's Workout: 063012

Jo ann
4 Teams, evenly split:

Run 400m (as a team)

Each member must complete "Grace" (30 Clean and Jerk, 135/95lbs) and then run 400m.

One member can be running while another does "Grace," but the next member can't start "Grace" until the runner returns.

Teams must run 400m together at the end. Total run = 1200m per person.

Last night, Usain Bolt was beaten by Yohan Blake at the Jamaican Olympic Trials. It was the fourth-fastest 100m time ever recorded…and they haven't peaked yet. This could get interesting…..

Carolle and Jo Ann are at the K* Mobility Cert today! Get ready to become more supple! (What do you do for a warmup at a Mobility Cert?!?!?)

72 Days left until the Catalyst Games at Searchmont!