Today's Workout: 072210

Kat 003

Clean and Jerk to Max.

Then: 15 muscle-ups for time.

It's Catalyst Games season!  That means it's time to sharpen your skills.  Like last year, we're going to run some tune-up sessions called MiniClinics in August! More details to follow this afternoon, but here's a sneak peek:

August 7 – Mobility / Recovery / Eating for CrossFit – all the stuff you KNOW you SHOULD….but don't. Coached by Whit.

August 12 (a Thursday) – Gymnastics with coaches from SSMGC.  This session will be held at SSMGC (John Rhodes,) and allow for free play AND coaching questions.

August 21 – Lifting for METCON.  Techniques, strategies, and movements by Coach Ty.  Get better at mixed WODs!

August 28 – Running for METCON.  Short sprints, longer intervals…how to pace, how to NOT pace, and how to maximize your running performance in mixed WODs. Coached by Mike.

Sign up for any of the MiniClinics – or all of them! – by clicking here. Pre-register for all four and get a free CrossFit: Sport of Fitness hat, available by tonight at the Park!

If you haven't seen this yet…..set aside 7 minutes, wear your headphones, and click here.  Highlights of the 2010 CrossFit Games by Again Faster Media.  Awesome.