Three rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
30 Box jumps, 24 inch box
25 Back extensions
205 pound Deadlift, 20 reps
"Go go go is the mantra of someone who has committed to defeating their anxiety and ignoring their lizard brain. Not a good strategy for airline pilots, but for the rest of us, a little Go go go might be just the ticket." By Seth Godin, from his essay, "A post-industrial A to Z digital battledore."
Yesterday on The Current: The Hunter-Gatherer lifestyle, with Loren Cordain! It's almost as if….as if….it were…..true???? Could Health Canada and the FDA be….er, wrong to recommend low-fat, high-carb diets???
We've had to make a last-minute schedule change: Whit's Mobility and Nutrition MiniClinic will run on Sunday at 10am. Rich will coach his WOD at 9am, and then turn over the floor (what's left of it!) to Whit! Click here to register!