Five rounds for time of:
5 Muscle-ups
115 pound Overhead squat, 10 reps
15 Toes to bar
20 GHD Sit-ups
Antigone ("Tig") Oreopoulos from CrossFit just finished defending her PhD thesis on the topic of the BMI scale, and how incorrect it is for measuring health risks. The original article is here. Summary in the Edmonton Journal here. University of Alberta publication here.
Why are we part of the CrossFit world? Because research supports CrossFit. And CrossFit supports research. Two years ago, Mark Rippetoe ripped up his NSCA membership – despite being a founding member of the world's largest Certification body for Personal Trainers, and the most reputable – because they weren't advancing anymore. They simply weren't doing anything with the knowledge they were gaining, just entrenching and defending 1970s methodology. Shortly thereafter, Coop did the same.
The "Personal Training" world continues its decline into irrelevance. Instead of embracing legal measures for mandatory education to use the term, "Personal Trainer," the larger certifying bodies have succeeded in downgrading the phrase to be synonymous with "gym attendant." You can now become "certified" as a Personal Trainer in 30 minutes on the internet; in a weekend at a local chain gym; even for free with enrollment in summer kids' camps.
What's our option as professional Trainers and Coaches – those who study for hours every week, coordinate with physiotherapists and chiropractors and surgeons, and make a career – not just a summer – of physical coaching?
We're into lifelong learning. Over the next 4 weeks, Tyler will be in Barrie to attend lectures on the BrainGym system for kids; Mike will finally get to go to a CrossFit Endurance certification (he'll actually have to run! And coach! And be tested!) And we back home? We'll be running MiniClinics – 90 minutes per week on specialized topics like gymnastics; nutrition; mobility; and special training for the Catalyst Games. No, you won't be certified when you leave them, but you'll know more than the average PT. First up: Whit's Nutrition and Mobility seminar, Sunday at 10am!