Today, you're doing a Double Dip. Two workouts, spaced as closely together (or as far apart) as you'd like.
1. CrossFit Ontario Challenge 2009 #1:
Run 400m
Clean and Jerk x 5 (155lbs)
Pullups x 12
3 rounds for time.
2. CrossFit Ontario Challenge 2009 #2:
5 deadlifts (255lbs)
5 burpees
AMRAP in 10:00.
1 MONTH UNTIL Catalyst Games 2010. Don't think you can do it? You're wrong. There are scaled classes, and you won't be the only one. Don't think you can win? Maybe not. But it's time to think about what "winning" means to you. To us, it means participating in stuff that scares you. Our earliest slogan (still found on our newsletters) was, "If you're moving, you're winning." In weightlifting, in running, in gymnastics, in CrossFit, it's the attempt that makes you better.
I want you to do it. I also want you to get a tshirt for your friends to admire. For that to happen, you have to register by Monday. Don't want to do it online? Call 256-1344.
Our MiniClinics are rolling this week, including what many perceive to be the most fun: the Gymnastics MiniClinic! Tomorrow night at SSMGC (John Rhodes!) from 7-9. 20 bucks gets you access to the gym club for free play, and 3 SSMGC coaches for help! No scheduled WOD, just some personal firsts!
One of the most important lessons you'll ever learn: how to lift for METCON work. High-rep lifting requires a different setup for speed and safety. Ty's got you covered on Saturday. Don't miss it!