Today's Workout: 082012


Front Squat – Split Jerk (out of racks)



Five rounds for time of:
275 pound Deadlift, 5 reps
10 Burpees

The list of congratulations from this weekend is almost too long to post here!

First, congrats to Cindy Henson (2nd overall, Masters) and Whit (9th overall, Indie) on their great showings at the SweatRx Championship. It was hard to follow from the road, but the results I could catch showed fantastic performances by both. Way to go!

Second, congratulations to Jocelyne in the International Distance Du, Talia in the Kids of Steel (<5,) Lily in the Kids of Steel (6-7,) Carter, Hunter, Logan, and Sadie in the Kids of Steel (8-9,) Cole and Mackenzie in the Kids of Steel (10-11,) Spencer, Lucas and Colin in the Kids of Steel (14-15,) Karly in the Olympic Distance Triathlon, Eusebi and Esther in the Sprint Duathlon, and Coco in the Sprint Triathlon at the St. Joe Triathlon. Well done! Full results are here.

Third, attaboys to Renni, Kubis, Downey, and Jarret for completing the Tough Mudder on the weekend! Fantastic work!

Late entries for Catalyst Games 2012 are rolling in now. We're close to 100 athletes! Watch the Games site for a Team assignment sheet!