Today's Workout: 090112

SearscatalogueTeam Teams of Two, I-go-you-go

Run 400m

21 Thrusters, 21 Pullups (95/65)

Run 400m

15 Thrusters, 15 Pullups

Run 400m

9 Thrusters, 9 Pullups

I have a very fond memory of this workout. A few years ago, Carolle was still the new kid. She was my partner on this workout, and though shy, she put her head down and gamely did jumping pullups (maybe prone on a barbell) and thrusters. We were taking the thruster bar out of the rack – back then, the cages were in the middle of the floor – and I kept racking the bar. I was tired, we were in last place, and I wasn't having fun any more. 

In what was loud for her (at the time,) she shouted, "Hurry up! You're making us lose!" we both had a laugh, and then I powered through. One of many lessons Carolle has taught me: not to take myself too seriously in a workout.

Above, right: Carolle with Phil "Sears Catalogue" Strickler.

It's Charity's birthday! She's coaching Rumble/Tumble at 9am…come and watch her do her 21 burpees!