Today's Workout: 090210

Event 3 011 
Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

 This is Coach Ty.

Yesterday, a mom stood at the front desk to the Park, tears welling up, talking about what his new Cognition/Athleticism program has done for her son.  When he struggled with squatting, Ty used a 'Figure 8' technique to realign left- and right-brain coordination; it worked immediately.  When kettlebells didn't swing so smoothly, Ty used a similar technique, to repeated success.  That night, when the boy couldn't answer one question in ten on his parents' math quiz, mom tried the Figure 8 drill.  He got a 10 out of 10.

If you're a parent, and your kid is diagnosed 'on the spectrum,' you know what a '10 out of 10' means.  10 out of 10 means recounting the story, tears in your eyes, to a virtual stranger in a noisy gym. 10 out of 10 means this stuff works. 10 out of 10 is a high-five from God.

When the Games are over, we'll start talking more specifically about what Ty's doing.  Until then, slap him on the back.

This morning, another Catalyst coach is bringin' it home: Mitch is driving all day with Brent and Lisa to get them home in time to teach!