Today's Workout: 090410

Several months ago, this girl taped a picture of her wedding dress to our 'goals board.' She wanted to fit the dress SHE wanted, not compromise or settle for what was 'appropriate.'

A few months later, she was calling from the dress shop: "How much should I have it taken in?"  She wanted assurance that she'd drop another two sizes.

Two weeks ago (and four sizes later!) she traded in sweat, swears and tears for the REAL dress.  Today, she'll rock that white sucker all the way down that one-way aisle.  Congratulations, Nadia!

Next Saturday, she'll be competing at Catalyst Games 2010. Today's workouts are named for her daughters, the other ladies of the day, who finally get to see their mom and dad at the front of a church:

(by the way, Nad: the fact that you're checking this on your wedding day means you're not done yet….)


As many pullups as possible

5 overhead squats (95lbs men, 65lbs women)

As many pullups as possible…..

every time you drop from the bar, you do overhead squats.  Goal is max pullups in 10:00.

 - rest 10 minutes –


400m sprint

40 double-unders

300m sprint

30 pistols (total)

200m sprint

20 ring dips

100m sprint

Women: 3 tire flips; Men: 3 muscle-ups