Today's Workout: 090910


Run 800m

50 situps

50 back extensions

3 rounds for time.

Day after tomorrow – Catalyst Games 2010!  Two late signups – MaryAnn and Darren Lindquist – joined the ranks last night! Woo hoo!

Wanna watch? 8am-4pm(ish) at the Roberta Bondar Pavilion.  We'd love to hear some fans along the run course, too!  Here's the map for Event #1.

This morning, we'll be announcing heat assignments; we'll announce our Best Photo Contest; we'll also be releasing details on the Cruise! Check the Games site early and often.

Since most will be resting today, and practicing skills tomorrow, here's some great stuff to watch while you're trying to stay calm (thanks, Sarah Palumbo!)