Today's Workout: 091310

Three rounds, 15-12-and 9 reps, for time of:
135 pound barbell Thrusters
45 pound weighted Pull-ups

This is a great WOD to announce the next event: FranFest2010. It's a partner event, with a new category: Parent/Child.  Last year was a huge turnout for everyone's favourite CrossFit original; this year, we expect even more.  It's fast, it's inspirational, it's brutal; and it's also the first event in our new POINTS SERIES.

We've got so much awesome stuff happening this week, we're calling it "Treat Week" (that's slang from the CrossFit Level 1 Cert.)  Every day this week, we're giving you a Treat – your reward for your hard work on Saturday!

Details on both FranFest2010 and the POINTS SERIES – spanning many events over the next 12 months, and concluding with the 2011 Catalyst Games – tomorrow.  For now, take my advice: do the WOD today.