Strength: Clean 3-3-3-2-2-1
WOD: "Fran"
21-15-9 of:
Thrusters (95#/65#)
…for time.
HUGE day at the Park today:
OnRamp starts at 6pm today! GET STARTED on a program that's changed lives! We call it 'bootcamp with brains' – learn stuff that will help you for your whole life. Create change. From couch to CrossFit in 15 days!
The Ignite! 10-Week Enrichment Camp starts at 7pm in the brand new Ignite! Academy! The first of its kind in Ontario, Ignite! Enrichment Camps offer kids some extra challenge to help them get – and stay – ahead of their peers.
Tomorrow, the new Enduro program kicks off. Running on Tuesday, indoor cycling on Thursday, SWIMMING on Saturday! Homework for the days between. Information is here; get registered! There are limited spots available for cycling!
Wednesday, Steel City MMA is hosting a FREE jiu-jitsu seminar starting at 5:30 with David Dominy, a black belt from Sisu Jiu-Jitsu.