Today's Workout: 101411


 warmup: 3 rounds of – :30s hollow rock, :20s plank, :10s V-ups

Strength: Deadlift to 20RM – hand release on each at the floor. However, you must lower the bar each time – no drops from lockout (more on that in a minute.)

WOD: 5 rounds – 15 double-unders

15 pushups (hand release)

10 air squats

10 pullups

5 burpees

5 jumping lunges

…for time.

When performing multiple-rep deadlifts, there is value in the eccentric (lowering) portion of the lift. When you're lowering the bar, your hamstrings and gluteus stretch, creating stored elasticity for the next pull; the weight of the bar forces the lifter to keep the bar close to the midline, which puts them in a better position to start the next pull; the weight also forces the valsalva manoeuvre, which protects the truck from undue flexion before the next pull.

Is there value to sometimes pulling every lift from a dead stop (ie standing up between lifts, and restarting the setup each time)? Yes. The difference is in the skill being improved: if neural efficiency (building a max) is the goal, then standing up every rep and resetting each time can help. If the goal is metabolic, or to reinforce the motor pattern, then there's more value in lowering the bar and continuing with less than a second of rest.

By the way, there's no value in bouncing the bar, even on high-rep deadlifts: the bounce, though slight, will force you into a bad position (you're reacting to the bounce, instead of dictating where the bar should start.)