Today's Workout: 102210

Row 2000m

Then: "Scrapyard"

1 tire flip

10 tire jumps

10 rounds for time.

Today, Ty's going to St. Mark school to work his Ignite! magic.  Every time we talk about his school program, we hear: "Get him into my kid's school!" We're working on it. In the meantime, you can get your kid a huge advantage in math through Ty's new Move-A-Matics program: tumbling, gymnastics, match, coordination, and focus.  Call it Enrichment through movement. His group starts tomorrow morning at our Downtown gym!

6-7-year-olds: Sign up here!

8-9-10-year-olds: sign up here!

Blood, Blisters, Sexism and Pullups from CrossFit Journal.

Speaking of blood, blisters, and …well, pullups, at least: it's Mel Rose's birthday! Happy birthday, Melanie! Highlights of Mel's Catalyst career:

First visit – Chris tells her he's the "worst salesman in town."  "Well, let's hear your sales pitch." says Mel.

Back to Kuwait – offered a job as a personal trainer because she "trains harder than any of the boys"

Home for Christmas – bearing Rugby jerseys! Competes in a Virtualmeet!

…..bunch of other stuff….

Sends her bro and sis to visit the Green Army at CrossFit Sectionals in Toronto!

Kills her PRs in the St. Joe Triathlon…with less swimming, running, or biking than any other year competing

Wins Catalyst Games 2010!  Woo hoo! 

Stephanie – writer of the amazing Math WODs on the Ignite site (and confoundingly good deadlifter!) has named today's Math WOD "Mel." Go do it!