Today's Workout: 102710

73896_424101462464_516297464_4451949_3896087_n Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:
95 pound Squat snatch, 10 reps
10 Ring dips
10 Knees to elbows

Right: Anna, Bev and Eddie pre-Half on the weekend. It was Bev's first Half-Marathon (her goal in May: 5k nonstop. Wow!) and Eddie's, too. AWESOME job, folks!

"As a society we don't test because we don't want to know. We put the ball on a tee to be certain of a hit. Participation earns a trophy. Podiums have five steps. There is no penalty for losing. This, when virtually every coach and player and thinker agree that losing teaches the lessons; while winning results from having learned (and applied) those lessons. Without tests or boundaries how is one supposed to grow? When everyone is a winner who is left to learn the lessons? Conscious rejection of objective measuring sticks and periodic tests suggests the decline and fall of mankind. Today we're a species of pretenders, and wanna-bes, and (in this country) obesity. I say bring on the killer cockroaches and whoever survives can start this party over." Mark Twight, "Self Delusion"