Then: The CrossFit Open 2011 Event #2:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
9 Deadlifts (155lbs / 70kg)
12 Push-ups
15 Box jumps (24")
Our ebook, "Ignite!: Enrichment Through Exercise" was published last night! Get it before it hits and for $11.99! Works on the Nook and the iPad, at least; not sure about the Kindle yet (but it's supposed to….). Want the paper copy? Free shipping until tomorrow (use the code, SLEIGHRIDES.) Click here to buy.
On Friday, Coop will be hosting our first live Q+A on Connect. Email questions ahead of time (we have some great ones already…) or just tune in to watch and chat live by clicking here (we'll keep the link up all week, don't worry.)
On Saturday, Helen Scott from ABC Ontario will be speaking in the Ignite! Academy about opportunities for Bright and Gifted kids around the district. Noon at the Park.
The Catalyst Christmas Potluck will be on the 17th. Not sure what we're talking about with all this Paleo/Primal stuff? Maybe this will help: