Movement standards:
This workout begins from the standing position. The Athlete will move from flat on the ground to touching an object with both hands that is 6 inches above their max reach. Score is total reps completed.
All CrossFit Groups today will complete this Workout. This is the first of five in the Open, and it can be done by ANYONE. Register for the Open here, or just show up to any CrossFit Group at the Park today to complete it. The Green Army Team will do the WOD either tonight at 5:30pm (movement standards at 5:25pm SHARP) or Sunday at noon.
Full rules:
Download G2012_OpenEvent1_Guide_Score
Link to the video demonstration: CFG2012 Event 1
Nicole Gignac got 90 of them last night. Thanks, Nicole!
The online Scoreboard – over 50,000 athletes – is here. At 5:23am, the top score for men in the world is only 140….answer the phone, Andrew Oliver! Get in here, Boo Man!
Here's Jon Gilson demonstrating the burpee (note: this is not the official standards, just another video demo of a burpee.)