Today's Workout: "Eden"

Eden[1] Happy 30th Birthday, Eden!

400m run
30 OHS (65/95)
30 Double unders
30 burpees
30 Double unders
30 OHS
400m run

Below: Intern Josh's video demonstrating the Box Jump.  By Josh:

 Box Jumps are a plyometric exercise that can increase your strength and stamina, as well as your vertical jump. The movement works by first extending your hamstrings, quads and glutes, then contracts all of them explosively to create an upward vertical movement. As the video will explain there can be different uses for the box jumps. Some athletes may use the movement in order to increase their vertical jump, while others may be performing the movement to improve stamina. Either way the movement should be performed in the same manner and efficiently as possible.  In CrossFit usually the boxes are set at a predetermined height for each WOD that they are implemented into.  Like any other movement, box jumps too can be scaled as well. The athlete has a couple choices on the type of scaling they would like. The first type of scaling is the Step Up/Step Down method. This allows for the athlete to maintain a steady output throughout the workout, with only taking rests for lack of energy instead of lack of ability. The other way of scaling is just simply using a shorter box instead of the prescribed height for the workout. Whether the athlete is using a scaled box or the prescribed height, it is important that the proper technique is used. This can be seen in the video below.