Last night, I was trying to write a little tribute to Jo Ann – Moffi when we met her, Bailey as she leaves us. I'm not sure I'm up to it. Luckily, she sent this – to all of you – for posting today:
I’m going to borrow a bit of ‘Coop-ism’, since he always says it best….
Flashback to the fall of 2005, I’m in a personal training session with Mike Watson at an un-named fitness place, venting to him about my woes from the spa where I’m renting space. I’m training with Mike because I decided I needed to ‘walk the walk’ with the athletes I was treating in my clinic, learn why they push themselves to do what they do, get into better shape so I can understand the injuries my clients sustain. He says six words that changed my working life. “You should talk to Chris Cooper.” Best. Suggestion. Ever.
The rest is history. Catalyst Fitness started out on the front line with Chris Cooper, Mike Watson, and myself in a dingy upstairs location at 645 Queen Street East. Since then we’ve grown tremendously into a bigger facility, then two locations. Several people have come and gone, some stayed longer than others, but it has been us three since 2005. And now there are two. I sit here, nearly six years later thinking back on the career decision to join Catalyst. It was the Best. Decision. Ever.
My whole life has changed since then, literally. I’ll leave out the nitty gritty details, but after several moves, fertility problems, an illness, weight gain, weight loss, a divorce, and a few other emotional rollercoasters, through it all Catalyst has been there. Catalyst is the place where I can go to see friends who are always cheerful, ready to do a workout with me, yell at me to go faster, harder, get one more rep. Working out has become my solace when I need to think or not think, be alone or need company. And sometimes for just plain fun. I truly ENJOY my workouts. Pushing myself to do better, lift more, run harder. From the three people who started out at Catalyst we have grown into a community of hundreds all striving for the same goal of a better life. Well, my Catalyst Family, my life is all the better because of you. I would not be where I am today without the support and stability I have received from Catalyst. Best. Community. Ever.
Thank you all for nearly six years of the BEST EVER friendships, camaraderie, workout buddies, WODs, talks, runs, games, and lifestyle. I will carry what I have learned from all of you into my life with Jervis in Kenora, and continue with the goal of the Best. Life. Ever. This time with the Best. Love. Ever.
And most of all Thank You Chris Cooper for the Best. Job. Ever.
It's been our pleasure, Jo, believe me.
50 double-unders
15 clean and jerk (135/95)
15 pullups
30 double-unders
10 clean and jerk (135/95)
10 pullups
10 double-unders
5 clean and jerk (135/95)
5 pullups