Today's Workout: "Robin"

Picture 003 "Robin"

1km run

20 pushups

00:30 plank

20 pushups

5 clean and jerk (M 155, W 95)

40 double-unders

2 rounds for time.

If you can get your spouse to do this with you, you're truly lucky in life.

Don't forget: tomorrow at 10am is Whit's MiniClinic on eating for CrossFit competition and mobility! Probably the portion of training that most Catalyst members spend the least time fixing, the determinant of 50% of your results, and a HUGE performance benefit….. register online here, or call 256-1344 to save your spot!

But before Whit takes the stage, Richie will be coaching his homemade WOD, "Crazy 8s!" (Spoiler alert: it's crazy.) Entry by punch card at 9am.