Today's Workout: Rowing Clinic


Rn864902It's that time of year: we seek the smooth waters, the morning sun dancing across our oars, the sweet sounds of summer greeting our silent glide across the glass….

Nah. It's January. But it's hard to get this guy out of the water unless it's covered in a foot of ice. So let's row indoors. 

Today, Gavin Grant will be here at 9am to teach us how to row faster, more efficiently, and with less stress. He's the world-record holder for most metres rowed in 30 days (over a million!) and just completed a 10k row at a 1:47 pace. If you've never rowed indoors before, that's good: start with a good foundation. If you have, you'll appreciate what it takes to hold a fast pace over any kind of distance.

BONUS: the entry fee ($10, cash) will go toward buying sports equipment for kids in a Thailand refugee camp. Joe and Marnie are headed over (with the girls) on the 26th to put it together. 

Our regular CrossFit WOD will take place at noon only today.

In the meantime, some videos to get you warmed up: